Fairfield Podiatry Stage 4 Restrictions Update

We are writing to update you on how stage 4 restrictions will affect the way we operate.

The Victorian Government has advised us that we can remain open during stage 4 restrictions, but can only provide services that prevent a significant change/deterioration in functional independence necessitating escalation of care (e.g. a requirement for specialist input/review, an increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation, avoiding a hospital admission or emergency department presentation).

What does this mean?

It means that we can only provide face-to-face consultations to people that would be much worse off if they had to wait until stage 4 restrictions end.

Below are some examples of the people and problems that are likely to be suitable for face-to-face consultations:

  • People that have a medical condition that has the potential to cause foot complications (e.g. diabetes, lymphoedema, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis)

  • People that have reduced circulation or significant swelling

  • People that have reduced sensation

  • People that have an ulcer or have a history of ulceration

  • Essential workers that are experiencing foot pain that is affecting their ability to work

  • Painful and infected ingrown toenails

  • A toenail or skin problem that is causing significant pain

  • Fractured bones

  • Severe pain, swelling and difficulty weight-bearing after an injury (e.g. ankle sprain)

  • Significant foot and leg pain that is making it difficult to complete activities of daily living and exercise

  • Assistance with surgery recovery and rehabilitation

  • Removal of foreign bodies (e.g. a piece of glass)

All a bit confusing? Please don't stress. We will contact you if you have an appointment between now and Sunday 13th September to work out where you stand. If you feel like you need our help during this period and don't already have an appointment, please fill out our stage 4 restrictions appointment enquiry form or call 9481 0639 and we'll do our best to assist you.

We understand that you may be frustrated if you're affected by these changes and have to wait to see us. We have worked hard to create a safe environment and would prefer to continue providing face-to-face consultations to all of you. However, the Victorian Government has introduced stage 4 restrictions to limit the number of people moving around the community, and we have no option but to comply.

We expect to be less busy during this period and may change our opening hours. We will be in touch again soon regarding this.

We would also appreciate you liking our Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest news.

Thank you for your understanding, patience and support. We really appreciate it!


Shaun, George and the Fairfield Podiatry team

Author: Shaun Bergin