While we're still open, we understand if people would prefer to stay at home. After all, it has been made very clear that you should avoid all non-essential activities to help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Some people that come to see us can afford to cancel or postpone their appointment.
Here are some examples of the problems people presented with this week that couldn't wait:
Infected ingrown toenails
Chronic and worsening fungal infections that could have easily led to a secondary bacterial infection
Fractured bones that required offloading with a CAM walker (moon boot)
Calluses and corns that turned into ulcers
Severe pain, swelling and difficulty weight-bearing after an injury (e.g. ankle sprain)
Removal of foreign bodies (e.g. a piece of glass)
Foot and leg pain that is making it difficult to walk or run (one of the few remaining ways to maintain physical and mental health)
Most of these people would have had to consult their GP if we weren't available to assist them. Some of them could have ended up in the hospital.
I think it's safe to say that most of us are struggling with the uncertainty at the moment. One thing is for sure, the last thing GPs and hospitals need is to be dealing with problems that could have been dealt with by someone else. We will continue to play our part while it's safe and necessary for us to do so.
Wash your hands regularly and stay at home as much as possible!
Author: Shaun Bergin